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The provider, responsible for the website, makes this document available to users with which it intends to comply with the obligations set forth in Law 34/2002, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE ), as well as inform all users of the website regarding the conditions of use of the website.

Access to the website implies unreserved acceptance of these general conditions of use that the user claims to fully understand. The user undertakes not to use the website and the services offered therein to carry out activities contrary to the law and to respect these general conditions at all times. The provider may interrupt access to its website at any time if it detects a use contrary to the law, good faith or these general conditions.

The provider reserves the right to modify any type of information that may appear on the website, without there being any obligation to notify or inform users of said obligations, being understood as sufficient with the publication on the website of the provider.

About the provider

The provider responsible for the website offers its users their identification data in order to improve user confidence and relations with it.

Company Name: COVETODE S.L.

Registered Office: Avenida Brasil 30. Staircase 2 1 floor. Madrid 28020

CIF: B87065868

Telephone: 659 475 514

Constituted before Notary Mr. Carlos Perez Baudin on July 18, 2014 protocol number 1160. Registered RM Madrid in volume 32,520, page 100, section 8, sheet M-585,337, 1st entry

Email: luisv@fansportmarket.com

Domain name: www.fansportmarket.com

IP addresses

The website servers may automatically detect the IP address and domain name used by the user. An IP address is a number automatically assigned to a computer when it connects to the Internet. All this information is recorded in a duly registered server activity file that allows the subsequent processing of the data in order to obtain solely statistical measurements that allow knowing the number of page impressions, the number of visits made to web services, the order of visits, the point of access, etc.


The provider has adopted all the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security and integrity of the personal data it processes, as well as to prevent its loss, alteration and/or access by unauthorized third parties. The website uses information security techniques generally accepted in the industry, such as firewalls, access control procedures and cryptographic mechanisms, all in order to prevent unauthorized access to data. To achieve these purposes, the user/client accepts that the provider obtain data for the purposes of the corresponding authentication of access controls.


The provider is exempt from any type of responsibility derived from the information published on its website, provided that this information has been manipulated or introduced by a third party outside the same (for example, in forums, chats, blogs, comments, etc.). However, and in compliance with the provisions of the LSSI-CE, the provider makes itself available to all users, authorities and security forces, to withdraw or, where appropriate, block all content that could affect or contravene national legislation. , or international, rights of third parties or morality and public order, bringing the facts to the attention of the competent authorities if necessary.

In the event that the user considers that there is any content on the website that could be susceptible to this classification, please notify the website administrator immediately.

This website has been reviewed and tested to work properly. In principle, correct operation can be guaranteed 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. However, the provider does not rule out the possibility that there are certain programming errors, or that force majeure, natural disasters, strikes, or similar circumstances occur that make access to the website impossible.

COVETODE S.L. is solely responsible for this website

Intellectual and industrial property

The website, including, but not limited to, its programming, editing, compilation and other elements necessary for its operation, the designs, logos, text and/or graphics are the property of the service provider or, where applicable, licensed or express permission from the authors. All the contents of the website are duly protected.